Specialists from Higgs aid nursery group’s expansion

11 April 2022

Experts across several departments at leading Midlands law firm Higgs LLP helped a nursery group continue its rapid growth.

Members of the Higgs Business Services, Property and Employment teams collaborated to advise The Old Station Nursery (OSN) group on two further acquisitions.

Higgs is a long-standing partner of the OSN group, which has demonstrated impressive growth in recent years and harbours ambitious plans moving forward.

This month Higgs advised on the acquisitions of Good Manors Day Nurseries Limited and Townsend Montessori Nurseries Limited.

Good Manors Day Nurseries has four sites in the Hampshire area and has been operating for more than 20 years, while Townsend Montessori Nurseries operates six sites across Kent and has been running since 2005.

Geoff Kettle, Partner in the corporate law team, said: “We are pleased to have assisted OSN with these latest exciting acquisitions.

“Having worked with OSN for several years and on a number of deals, the team know they can trust us to get the job done in a professional and efficient manner.

“Specialists in our corporate, corporate tax, employment law and commercial property departments were all involved to ensure all aspects were covered.”

Named as the 12th largest nursery group in the UK (Nursery Chains league, March 2022), the OSN Group has grown considerably since its first acquisition in October 2019.

Following the latest purchases, OSN now has 63 settings across the country and provides care for 4,231 children.

Geoff Kettle, Emily Parkes, Rachael Watkins, Susheel Gupta and Laura Pearson advised for Higgs from the Business Services team, Jen Hicks-Jones and the wider team on Property and Joanne Walker from Employment.

OSN was acquired by French-based childcare giant La Maison Bleue in 2019, a deal also orchestrated by Higgs.

Sarah Steel, CEO of OSN, said: “A very warm welcome to all the children, families, and the staff members at Good Manors Nurseries and Townsend Montessori Nurseries to The Old Station Nursery Group.

“As a group, we strive to be the very best at what we do and to always innovate the ways in which we do so. We are very excited to work with each of the teams to share best practice and learn from one another.”

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