£250k settlement for head-on road traffic incident

25 October 2023

Zehra* was involved in a road traffic incident when another driver, whilst driving at high speed on the wrong side of the road, hit her head-on.  

She suffered a complex arm fracture.  At hospital, she had surgery which fitted plates and screws to fix the arm, followed by extensive physiotherapy.


Despite the initial surgery, Zehra was left with an elbow deformity which impacted on her day-to-day activities.  Zehra was later re-admitted to hospital for the surgeons to remove the metal work, to try and improve the range of motion in her arm.  However, despite the further surgery, there was no improvement.

Our support

Zehra was absent from work for a long time and when she finally went back she could not return to her previous role.  During her claim we therefore secured interim payments to assist Zehra.  The payments also helped to pay for her to access private treatment. 


We made early contact with the insurers who admitted liability but did not accept the medical evidence on the extent of the injuries.  We were able to establish the medical evidence in favour of Zehra’s case at court.  Zehra’s claim was concluded in the sum of £250,000, which covered her losses and will also provide her with future financial security.


*Not their real name

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