Injured road crash victim receives £425,000

20 July 2023

Lynn* suffered severe arm fractures in a road crash.  She needed several operations and was affected psychologically.  After her treatment she was finally allowed to go home.

Initial challenges and how we supported

Although it was unclear quite how the incident had happened, we still made early contact with the insurers with details of the claim.  Whilst they investigated the incident, we pressed them to engage in early rehabilitation and to release interim payments. 

The insurers agreed to the instruction of a case manager, who carried out an immediate needs assessment report.  This report identified the need for physiotherapy, counselling, and occupational therapy.  Specialist aids and equipment were also recommended for use in the home.  The insurers agreed to fund the various recommendations to help Lynn’s long-term rehabilitation.

As Lynn was unable to return to work the insurers released several interim payments.  To protect her entitlement to means tests state benefits, we arranged a personal injury trust for the interim payments.  We also arranged welfare benefits advice for Lynn. 


The insurers later disputed liability, but despite this Lynn was keen to resolve her claim and a total settlement was agreed in the region of £425,000.


*Not their real name

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